IAI MOOC Main Ressources

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The IAI Mooc Main Contents are :

  • Videos (many short films featuring recurring scenarios & characters)
  • Tutorials (fun applications to encourage manipulation and understanding of “how it works”)
  • Pedagogical / Activity Sheets (Pedagogical sheets for classroom use with pupils to help them get to grips with the tutorial resource / Class’Code activity sheets with short experiment for easy implementation).
Here is the Introduction video 
Video d'introduction Through Guillaume’s questioning, develop critical thinking, including to assertions so-called scientific (or made by scientists).To get subtitles in English, or in the language of your choice, do not hesitate to change the preferences of the video on YouTube.

Tutorials  or Hands-on Exercises  

Here is the screencast of the Second tutorial “Did you say AI? /Vous avez dit AI  ?”. This is a practical activity to test the possibilities and limitations of an image recognition program from pre-existing libraries and from your own dataset.

Pedagogical Activities

Activity sheet for classroom use – to help pupils to get to grips with the concept investigated. Here is Hexapawn, an activity sheet dedicated to a well known game created by Martin Gardner some sixty years ago. It is still played with enthusiasm by learners and facilitators : Hexapawn – Educational Sheet – in English

fiches d'activité Class'Code Class’Code Activity Sheets

Short experiment activity sheets for easy implementation. Here is an example of the debate tools that can be used to get pupils interested in AI in a different way and to contribute to the awakening of their critical spirit through role-playing and a new way of thinking : Activity Sheet – Playing to debat on AI


To Go Further in the Discovery of IAI Ressources :

1 – Access the detailed synopsis that was send with the invitation of the 6th of April Meeting  : https://learninglab.inria.fr/en/ai4t-synopsis-mooc-iai/ or go directly to the summary of one specific module :

2 – Access to the Mooc on FUN : fun-mooc.fr

For any question related to the Mooc contents, please feel free ton contact us at mooc-ai4t@inria.fr

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