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Did you say AI? What is artificial intelligence?

1.1 To question yourself: Who is afraid of AI?

Introduction video
Video d'introduction Through Guillaume’s questioning, develop critical thinking, including to assertions so-called scientific (or made by scientists).
To specify vocabulary points (differentiation between biological and artificial intelligence, weak and strong artificial intelligence), historical notions on the birth and evolution of AI and to question: “should we be afraid of AI?”
Pedagogical activity
Activity sheet based on the 2 previous resources (video and text) is used to moderate the class and to start a discussion on AI: collect preconceived ideas, representations on AI…
Game : Cluedo of sources
Educational game to practice critical distancing on the media’s discourse on AI.
Sources and additional links
Resources used to design the activities and to go further

1.2 To experiment: Let’s test our first program

Video Tutorial Module 1
Practical activity to test the possibilities and limitations of an image recognition program from pre-existing libraries and from your own dataset
Pedagogical activity
Activity sheet for classroom use with pupils aged 7 to 12, to help them get to grips with the tutorial resource
fiches d'activité Class'Code Class’Code activity sheets
3 short experiment activity sheets for easy implementation:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
  • Playing at debating artificial intelligence
  • Intelligent paper

1.3 To discover: What is artificial intelligence?


In-depth video
Following his questions, Guillaume went in search of answers. He shares what he has learned via diagrams and video documents.
To go further
Scientific articles or extracts from research documents to deepen and nourish the reflection

  • Artificial intelligence and human thought, Magarida Romero
  • Inria White Paper: AI, remarkable achievements
Sources and additional links
Resources used to design the activities and to go further


1.4 To debate: AI in all its aspects


Video of conferences, webinars
Conferences/Webinars to understand the basics of artificial intelligence, through concrete examples from research projects: image recognition, data and their representation, …

1.5 Quiz Module 1


6 quiz questions containing feedback with theoretical clarifications to better review what has been seen before.

1.6 AI to play with!


Hands-on exercises

3 questions on 3 “algorithms” introduced in Module 1 through tutorials or playful applications to encourage manipulation and understanding of “how it works”.

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