[Infographic] Pharo MOOC through figures

infographie bilan du MOOC Pharo

For Inria Learning Lab, summer is the time for MOOCs reports in order to prepare future sessions. This work has led to the creation of this infographic presenting the main figures for the first session of the MOOC Live Object Programming in Pharo and providing information about the participants’ profiles.

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[Infographic] Mooc Lab celebrates its 3rd birthday!

Infographie Mooc Lab Inria 2016

On the occasion of its 3rd birthday, Mooc Lab Inria drew a report of its activity in the form of an infographic (in French). Inria’s MOOCs in computer science: From 2014 to 2016: an increasing course production: 11 MOOCs were created (5 in French, 5 in English and 1 bilingual…

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Retour sur le Meetup “MOOC Web Sémantique”

Un Meetup sur le MOOC Web Sémantique a eu lieu au Learning Centre du Campus SophiaTech le mardi 21 avril dernier. Cette rencontre a été l’occasion pour une vingtaine de participants (sur 3800 inscrits) d’échanger avec Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron-Zucker et Olivier Corby, auteurs du MOOC, mais également avec des…

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MOOC “Code-based Cryptography”

We all use cryptography in our daily lives. The security of the most popular Public-Key Cryptosystems are based either on the hardness of factoring or the presumed intractability of the discrete logarithm problem. Advances on these problems or the construction of large quantum computers would dramatically change the landscape: Code-Based…

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MOOC “Mobile Robots and Autonomous Vehicles”

The objective of this course is to introduce the key concepts required to program mobile robots and autonomous vehicles. The course presents both formal and algorithmic tools, and for its last week’s topics (behavior modeling and learning), it will also provide realistic examples and programming exercises in Python. It is…

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